Dalek Storm Dream Project Becomes Real - Alan Clark
Alan Clark's Storm Project becomes a reality... It took several visits and solution discussions at our trade counter before the inevitable question "what the heck are you building, Alan?" arose; the answer was a little unexpected... "A fully functional Dalek", was the reply. The reaction? We could safely say it was more leaning towards: 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest'. Dalek building projects are, after all, commonplace up and down the length of Britain, where every fan of the BBC's Dr Who series secretly harbours a longing to build themselves a full-sized Dalek one day. Most moments like these come and go due to time commitments; in Alan's case, time found its way onto his lap, and he knew exactly what he would do with it!
When we saw Storm, we realised that a respectful 'Doffing of the cap' was in order; you see, this particular ageing blogger loves to see application and commitment to a project, however 'off base' and quirky the conception. Alan's Storm project fitted that bill nicely; well thought, well-planned and well-executed.
It wasn't then, as it turns out, one of those moments or days when you find yourself (like many do) with 30+ tennis balls and a sink plunger to hand, and you say to yourself: "today's the day".
The Storm project was hand-built and inspired by a 1980's concept sketch. Alan, from West Yorkshire, has appeared at exhibitions up and down the UK, featured in the local papers and on Calendar, the ITV regional news programme. You can find more information and videos by searching for "Dalek Storm" on Facebook, youtube and search engines.
Follow Your Dreams and Achieve the Impossible! Alan Clark did the unthinkable when he brought his Dalek Storm Dream Project to life. With the right dedication and commitment, you too can bring your wildest dreams to reality!
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