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Assorted Miscellaneous Battery Terminals

 Various made-for-application battery take-off terminals from Arc Components Limited. The range includes Positive (+) and Negative (-) Japanese battery take-off terminals, quick-release battery disconnect terminals and terminal sets for Ford battery termination and conversion.
Arc Components Limited's quick-release and battery terminal conversion products eliminate the hassle of changing or disconnecting your leisure battery or vehicle batteries, such as marine or agricultural equipment, bench charging, or removing the batteries for security and safety reasons. Enjoy greater convenience, and faster switching between battery sources, with our battery take-off terminal and hot-swap options.

5 Items
0-022-00 Pack of 2 Positive and Negative Ford Type Terminal Conversion

Durite 0-022-00, pack of Positive (+) and Negative (-) battery cable terminals for Ford-type terminal conversion.

Re: 0-022-00 
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0-023-00 Durite Positive and Negative Quick Release Battery Terminals

Durite 0-023-00, 12V-24V battery terminals with a quick-release mechanism. A practical alternative to bolt terminals for a speedy disconnect.

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1-023-00 Durite Single Positive Quick Release Battery Terminal

Durite 1-023-00, 12V-24V single Positive (+) battery terminal with a quick-release mechanism. An alternative to bolt terminals for a speedy disconnect.

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2-023-00 Durite Single Negative Quick Release Battery Terminal

Durite 2-023-00, 12V-24V single Negative (-) battery terminal with a quick-release mechanism. An alternative to bolt terminals for a speedy disconnect.

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2-021-00 Disconnect Type Battery Terminal Without Fuse Holder

Durite 2-021-00, quick-release battery Negative (-) post terminal. Disconnect terminal with Green tightening wheel for isolation or anti-theft.

Re: 2-021-00 
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